With the ruling party nomination, López Obrador protege Claudia Sheinbaum is favored to be Mexico's next president; she's facing Sen. Xóchitl Gálvez. LA Times
VOA VIEW: Time will tell.
The tech honcho reportedly made the decision because he thought the Kremlin would respond to the attack with nuclear weapons, a fear that was based on conversations he had with senior Russian officials. New York Post
VOA VIEW: This is giving Russia a fear tactic.
With Mayor Adams warning that the migrant crisis “will destroy New York City,” we again have to ask: Where are Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries? New York Post
VOA VIEW: Adams is making Dems look incompetent and foolish.


The verdict made Mr. Navarro the second top adviser to former President Donald J. Trump to be found guilty of contempt for defying the Jan. 6 committee’s investigation. New York Times
The two G.O.P. presidential candidates also floated the idea of pardoning some of the Jan. 6 defendants if they are elected. New York Times
VOA VIEW: They are right - leftwing stupidity.
A former top executive at the failed FTX cryptocurrency exchange pleaded guilty Thursday to making tens of millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions to U.S. politicians and engaging in a criminal conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transfer business. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: Most of the money went to Dems.
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh told a judicial conference on Thursday he hopes there will be "concrete steps soon" to address recent ethics concerns surrounding the court, but he stopped short of addressing calls for justices to institute an official code of conduct. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: In other words, nothing will be done anytime soon.
A Florida state attorney whose suspension marks the second time Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has removed a top Democratic prosecutor from office because of policy differences is challenging the decision. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: It will depend how the prosecutor was appointed.
Court watchers expect the Supreme Court to hand down more guidance on gun control laws and the Second Amendment after a number of courts have struck down restrictions to allow drug users, felons and domestic violence offenders to possess firearms. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: It will be interesting.


A federal judge has dealt another serious setback to the proposed Twin Metals copper-nickel mine near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northeastern Minnesota, dismissing the company's lawsuit that sought to regain the critical mineral rights leases that the Biden administration canceled. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: Biden made another mess.
Health risks due to high lead levels in drinking water in a majority Black and impoverished Michigan city were not taken quickly to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency leadership, according to a report released Thursday. Washington Times
Japan launched a rocket Wednesday night, carrying a moon probe that it hopes to land on the lunar surface and would make Japan the fifth country to reach the moon. ABC
VOA VIEW: Good for the world.
A Florida man who was attempting to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a man-made hamster wheel is facing federal charges after it took the U.S. Coast Guard five days to bring him ashore ABC

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Americans flocked to suburban areas during the pandemic — one of several reasons why rent increases there have outpaced urban areas. CBS
VOA VIEW: Rents are high nationwide.
Almost 80% of American women in opposite-sex marriages change their last name after saying "I do," according to a new Pew Research Center survey. CBS
VOA VIEW: As they should to lesson confusion.
In new court documents filed on Wednesday, special counsel David Weiss says he intends to indict Hunter Biden by the end of the month. The president's son is facing a possible felony related to gun possession, and he could face charges after a previous plea deal fell through in July. CBS
VOA VIEW: Weiss cannot be trusted.


DeSantis and his allies spent the summer building a grassroots support network in Iowa in hopes of overtaking frontrunner Donald Trump. CBS
VOA VIEW: He should drop from the race, if he fails to win.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday said he plans to finish his Senate term, dismissing concerns about his health after two recent incidents in which he froze up. CBS
GM's latest offer still falls short of the union's demands. The UAW could strike against all three Detroit automakers next week. CNBC
VOA VIEW: More than 10% increase would be insulting the American car buyer.
Disney is embroiled in two lawsuits stemming from its battle with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over the classroom bill dubbed "Don't Say Gay" by critics. CNBC
VOA VIEW: As it should.
Peter Navarro has said he failed to comply with a subpoeana from Congress because former Pesident Donald Trump told him to assert executive privilege. CNBC

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Atlanta District Attorney Fani Willis accused House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan of trying to obstruct her prosecution of former President Donald Trump. CNBC
VOA VIEW: As he should.
Chinese campaigns are active on Twitter and other sites, while some disinformation campaigns are also using generative AI content to create graphics CNBC
VOA VIEW: China should be sanctioned - if the US did not have a weak President.
U.S. tech investors have looked inward as they see the increased risk that comes with investment in China, which was previously a growth market. CNBC
VOA VIEW: It is not wise to do business in China.

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Those filing for unemployment insurance for the first time fell to its lowest seasonally-adjusted weekly total since February, but still remained stubbornly above the 200,000 mark, the Labor Department said on Thursday. UPI
VOA VIEW: The whole truth is needed.
The Russian government said Thursday it shot down two Ukrainian drones near the city of Rostov-on-Don, which was taken over by Wagner mercenaries in June during a failed mutiny against the Russian Ministry of Defense. UPI
Hilton Hotels said Thursday it will install Tesla Universal Wall Connector chargers at hotels throughout the United States and Canada. UPI
VOA VIEW: A major foolish investment.
Chinese exports dropped by 8.8% in August compared to one year ago, the fourth consecutive month of export decline, according to customs data released Thursday. UPI
VOA VIEW: China is financially hurting.
Lee is expect to rapidly strengthen and become "a major hurricane" by early Friday, with swells it generates likely to reach the Lesser Antilles, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico by the weekend. UPI
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice announced Wednesday it would be suspending visitation "until further notice" at prisons in the state while staff focuses on other measures to curb alleged contraband. UPI
President Joe Biden welcomed leaders of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association on Wednesday to the White House after they finalized a new labor contract for West Coast ports. UPI
VOA VIEW: China joins the losers.
The proposal, which recalls President Reagan's efforts to limit asylum seekers' movements in the late 1980s, is likely to draw fierce opposition from immigrant rights groups and border-state officials. LA Times
VOA VIEW: Total madness.

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